Plant,Machinery and Equipment Valuation and appraisals.

Plant,Machinery and Equipment Valuation and appraisals.

Our team of appraisal experts prepare detailed valuation reports of plant, machinery and equipment. American Society of Appraisers (ASA) Professional Engineer (PE) guides the appraisal/Valuation process. American Society of Appraisers Accredited Appraisers provide exceptional valuation expertise as they earn their designations only after completing a rigorous course structure and peer-evaluation process that requires years of study, experience, dedication and commitment. ASA accredited appraisers follow both the professional standards set forth by the Appraisal Foundation and ASA's own Code of Ethics and Principles of Appraisal Practice to provide a credible and objective opinion of value.

  • We provide a rapid, reliable, innovative and accurate service Solutions for sustainable progress.
  • Scope of valuation includes all categories of assets from ofice equipment, industrial equipment, earth moving equipment through to heavy plant equipment.
  • Independent Inspection, veriication and testing services for industrial equipment.
  • Inspection,veriication, testing and certiication services for goods
  • Engineering surveys
  • Plant and Machinery valuation, may be required for one of the following purposes:-
  • -Valuation for loan and mortgage.
  • -Valuation for company accounts and Financial statement
  • -Valuation for receivership/insolvency.
  • -Valuation for merger, acquisition and takeover.
  • -Insurance Valuation.
  • -Market Value of machinery.
  • -Forming part of the continuing business to remain "in-situ" and for removal from premises.

The role of the appraiser is to assess the value of the plant and machinery by conducting a detailed inspection/survey of all the physical assets so as to record the nature, extent, condition and subsequently to determine the machinery and plant on site as against the register / client's own OT records.

We provide innovative Product/service Solutions for sustainable progress.

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